Constellation of Delphinus
author: A.Fujii/David Malin Images/Novapix
reference: a-cst28-00004
Image Size 300 DPI: 51 * 40 cm
Delphinus the Dolphin looks remarkably like the creature it represents. Delphinus is a small constellation of Greek origin, but despite its diminutive size it is quite easy to find. The bright star Altair in neighboring Aquila is probably the best guide. Delphinus' brightest star, Rotanev (ß Del) is of magnitude 4, and its name honors the astronomer Nicolaus Venator (Rotonov backwards). The next brightest star in Delphinus is Sualocin, which at first glance appears Arabic, but is Nicolaus spelled backwards. He was assistant to the rather more famous Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi. The main stars of Sagitta are also well seen here. Â